Today, I tried to use % to jump between (), use %xx to delte a pair of () in the markdown file. But I found the situation is :
- The first time of % , work. But the trials after that, doesn’t work.
- It’s only appearing the editing with the MARKDOWN file no matter where the location is.
Steps to figure out problem:
- open ~/.vimrc check func
- open file in other location to test
- use the command:
trouble shooting in vimlink vim -N -u NONE -i NONE
Open the file in -u(None vimrc file), -i(None viminfo file), -N(nocompatable) mode to track the problem appears or not.
use map, and nmap to check out % has been remapped to the
% remap to n % * :<C-U>call <SNR>19_Match_wrapper('',1,'n') <CR>No any map record in the -u mode of vim
I just leave the bug there, as it works fine for other files.
Update by 2015-03-25
Create a paste_to_vim shell to help paste string from tmux to the vim.
Configure ~/.vimrc.local
Configure ~/.vimrc.local
Configure ~/.vimrc.local
:help i_CTRL-W check the ctrl-w binding key in the insert mode.
:help index will show the manual help file for the key binding in vim