The aim of this blog is to memorize the process of customizing the Seed Project for future development.
The branch is start_point, there is no any model or controllers except home_controller.
rack-mini-profiler, for monitoring the time consumption.
slim, templating engine for organising the html, css, javascript code.Lazy registration demos: DEMO
After: rails g devise:install create two files:
config/initialize/devise** * .rb 里面是devise的配置信息
config/locale/devise.yml 里面是devise的语言配置
rails g devise User 创建User表,model和test文件
rails g devise:views 创建devise的所有view
add layout function to the appliction controller 这样调用devise的时候会指定空的layout给他
在rails console中是看不到用户的密码的,只能重新设置。
在Application的方法里加入layout 或者 before-filter等方法,可以在每个controller运行之前调用。所以,加入要根据不同controller的view选择不同的layout可以加入到ApplicationController里面进行layout判定。
Branch: start _ point, this branch just integrate the views, there is no any model or config.
Config all the devise views and finish the mailer configuration:
step 1
step 2引申出一个问题,在rails,project下怎么保存secure信息,通过Figaro
Ruby Performance Optimization:
Nginx, Passenger help us to handle the message queue. Configuration of the Nginx, Passenger server, Linux for optimizing the server.
How to benchmark the server.