a endless journey to learn vim

This description to the VIM journey is to descript my learning process of VIM:

#开始通过看thoughtbot的vim教学视频学习怎么配置好vim的工作环境,玩vim adventure。第一部基本学会的内容:

  1. motion在一个文件中
  2. vim中的letter,word,sentence,paragraph的概念
  3. 配置vim config文件选择template,颜色
  4. 掌握常用的:command
  5. 三种mode熟练切换

VIM keystrokes的评价体系:VImGolf按了几个键,Repitation容不容易repete,undo 时候是否和计划的一样, keep a lean undo/redo history
vim的熟练过程开始是熟悉keystoke,之后要有逻辑,motion和change分开,可以repeat motion或者change,DRY。

VIM Pattern 描述
Dot Formula One Keystroke to move, one keystroke to execute
Series or Parallel 例如可以22@q的方式去修改,亦可以VG:<,>normal @a的方式parallel修改


  1. Normal下操作的互动
  2. Visual下的互动命令
  3. :h 的使用不熟练,找不到想要的帮助内容
  4. :set 的内容不了解具体效果 VIM mode
Mode 功能描述
Normal 操作
Insert write
Visual choose
Insert Normal mode +normal keystroke
Operator-pending mode dw,between d and w can be customized
Replace replace the char
Char[line,block]-wise Visual mode v,V, enter diff visula mode


  1. $,), g, G, iao, IOA, v, n, <>
  2. d, y, c, u, C-r, x
  3. hjkl, f, t


  1. normal Mode:=, `, q, ;, . , r
  2. Ex Mode: Q, ebw, HL, {}, C-i, C-o illustion
keystroke 描述
; 重复之前的f或者t motion操作
. 重复最近的change操作
& 重复最近的:substitutecommand
, reverse ; 的结果,但远程有点慢
? for preview match
* Search forward for cursor word
= Autoindent
! filer {motion} lines by external program
insert mode delete back one word
insert mode delete back to start of line
insert mode delete back one char
进入Insert-Normal mode
0 insert mode paste from yunk and keep in one undo
V: o toggle the free end
进入Visual-Block mode 可以多行一起输入
“ayy; “ap copy into the register a, put from register a
yy; “0p; :reg “0 yank always copy into reg 0
”_; “+; “* black hole reg, system clipboard, selection reg



(easymotion-sn), s, t, /,

NERDCommenter: 快速注释

c, [count]cc

Tabulize: 样式对齐
, a:: 功能是:Tabulaize \:zs 以:后面的内容对齐



NERDTree: 左侧的文件夹结构树

: toggle nerdtree

#熟练地Ex Commands
| ExCommands | 描述 |
| — | — |
| :grep searchstring | 功能上就是$ grep -n searchstring |
| :2,5p | print echo the lines from line 2 to 5 |
| ://+1,//-1d | delete body tag 之间的行 |
| :join | join without motions |
| :%s/Practical/Pragmatic | 全文替代% is the file |
| :normal {command} | … |
| :6t. | :[range]copy {address} duplicate one or more lines |
| :m | move lines |
| :colorscheme | show all options for the command |
| : | get the current word under cursor |
| :2,$!sort -t’,’ -k2 | sort current file by second column |
| :reg | show all registers info |

Keystrokes 描述
vit 功能上是选择html之间的内容
ci( 功能上是去掉()之间的内容进入insert mode
>G indent从cursor到end of file的位置
@: 重复之前的Ex command
daw delete a word, 可以从后到前的word去掉space
[v]as in visual mode choose a sentence
gv reselect the last visual selection
gj,gk,g0,g^,g$ move down and up by display lines
ge backward to the end of word, reverse of e

#VIM 启动命令
| Commands | 描述 |
| — | — |
| vi -u NONE N | -u NONE 指定不用vim渲染,N:set nocompatable提供vim功能 |

#VIM Powerful Customize
| Customize | 描述 |
| — | — |
| omap-info | 可以修改motions的key |


关于Ex Command的图表

Text Objects Table

| Tips | 描述 |
| – | – |
| qq,22@q | 因为q好按所以放到reg q中,因为2和@是一个键,所以重复多次的时候可以用22 |