Metaprogramming is writing code that writes codes.
Get all mixed modules for an object:
Metaprogramming is writing code that manipulates language constructs at runtime.
Chapter 1. Monday: The object model
Classes themselves are nothing but objects.
User namespace to avoid name clash, Modulename::Classname
obj.instance_variable_set(“@x”,10) 设定实例参数。
- It finds the method. This is a process called method lookup.
- It executes the method. To do that, Ruby needs something called self.
Method Lookup
the receiver and the ancestors chain.
Kernel Method
“If you want to become a master of Ruby,” Bill warns you, “you should always know which object has the role self at any given moment.”
Chapter 2. Tuesday: Methods
Dynamic Methods
Where you learn how to call and define methods dynamically and remove the duplicated code.
method_missing is Kernel#method_missing() responded to.
“string”.to_sym 生成对的symbol,用symbol调用方法。用super调用method_missing函数
Dynamic Proxy
DelegateClass( ) is a Mimic Method (241) that creates and returns a new Class. This class defines a method_missing( ) that forwards calls to a wrapped object, such as an Assistant. Manager inherits this method_missing( ), so it becomes a proxy of the wrapped object.
用method_missing方法实现最好也实现respond_to这个method, const_missing可以把missed constant找到方法输出。
number 的scope
Ruby 里面用来去掉继承来的方法的method:
Module#undef_method removes all methods, including the inherited ones.
Module#remove_method removes the method from the receiver, but it leaves inherited methods alone.
The Builder library which is an XML generator 就是用了Blank Slate把object的class去掉了。
Ruby 怕方法被override,用reserved method name:__send__() and __id__()
Blank Slate 的样板code:
Chapter 3. Wednesday: Blocks
Closure, the block is a closure. 看不到在my_method里面定义的variable x
use local-variables to track the local_variables
Whenever the program changes scope, some bindings are replaced by a new set of bindings.
Scope Gates keywords: class, module, def, end
Beyond the Scope Gates
Q: Can you think of a method that does the same thing that class does?
A: If you look at Ruby’s documentation, you’ll find the answer: ) is a perfect replacement for class. You can also define instance methods in the class if you pass a block to ):
这个方法叫做nested lexical scopes,也叫做flattening the scope把两个scopes挤压到一起,简称Flat Scope.
Shared Scopes的例子
用这个方法可以做Context Probe,把变量放入object中
Callable Objects
Proc lambda 两个block object, method 也是一个call的objetct
&block_name 得到一个Proc对象。
Procs created with lambda( ) are called lambdas, while the others are simply called procs.
The differences between Proc and lambda:
- lambda中return返回相关值,Proc的return会直接退出所在的scope。为了避免这个情况,不用return只是写值
- 当arity,arg的参数数量不一定的时候,如果和block中不一样,lambda会报错,但是Proc会裁剪或者补充nil
基于此,一般选择用lambda {} 更安全。
P.121 最后讲的DSL非常清晰的讲了开发过程的几个阶段,多练练
Chapter 4. Thursday: Class Definitions
class_eval(), Module#class_eval(), add method to class
“I want to open this object, and I don’t particularly care it’s a class,” then instance_eval( ) is fine. If you’re thinking “I want an Open Class (31) here,” then class_eval( ) is almost certainly a better match.
Use instance variable to set the test data.
Singleton Methods in Actions:
Class Macros:
attr_accessor 就是一个Class Macros
Ruby doesn’t always tell you the whole truth. Instead of the class that you see, an object can have its own special, hidden class. That’s called the eigenclass of the object
Object#extend( ) is simply a shortcut that includes a module in the receiver’s eigenclass. You can always do that yourself, if you so choose.
Chapter 5. Friday: Code That Writes Code
facets is a large collection of useful Ruby snippets.
Kernel#eval, executes the code in the string and returns the result
here documents: << END END
def self.inherited(subclass) 等类被继承的时候会调用此方法。inherited() is a Hook Method, as we can use it to hook into a particular event.
Module#included() is another Hook Method
Module#extend_object() Module#method_added( ), method_removed( ), or method_undefined( )
Chapter 5重点看一下,这里面有很好的实现,特别重要!!!
Chapter 6. Epilogue
Chapter 7. The Design of Active Record
Decoupling, Simplicity, No Duplication
Chapter 8. Inside ActiveRecord
dynamic attributes and dynamic finders
Dynamic Attributes: ActiveRecord的源代码很好的解释了怎么用的,在2.3.2版本的ActiveRecord,active_methods.rb文件,里面关于method_missing and respond_to?的重定义,很好的解释了Ghost Method 的用法。
Dynamic Finders: ActiveRecord, base.rb 里面的method missing方法和respond to?方法
There are also techniques and tools that you can leverage to deal with that complexity and to avoid some common metaprogramming pitfalls. Some of these tools, such as unit tests and Monkeypatch guards
Chapter 9. Metaprogramming Safely
- What’s the pitfall of Metapgrogramming?
- How to do unit test?
before_filter method is defined in the ActionPack2.3.2/action_controller/filers.rb
actionpack-2.3.2/test/controller/filters_test.rb test case for the filters.
Open Class, Monkeypatches is dangerous:
- is global.
- invisible, hard to be viewed. (included as a module, can be seen by the ancestors)
- override old method implicitly
Rake use method_defined? to defend the Monkeypatch for override old method.
Appendix A:
Ruby idioms, Metaprogramming spells:
Spell | Description | Example |
Argument Arrays | 一队列参数 | method(*args) |
Around Alias | 方法别名 | alias :old_reverse :reverse |
Blank Slate | 去掉方法定义 | undef_method m |
Class Extension Mixin | module中扩展Hook method | module M; extent ModuleName |
Class Macro | 类的方法调用Macro | attr_accessor :age |
Clean Room | 用一个对象作为环境评价一个block | { method } |
Class Extension | 混合方法进入eigenclass | class << C; include M; end |
Code Processor | 运行文件里的命令 | eval ‘file string’ |
Context Probe | 用探针访问私有域 | obj.instance_eval { @private_variable } |
Deferred Evaluation | 调用Proc对象 | █ |
Dynamic Dispatch | 动态调用方法 | obj.public_send(:method_name) |
Dynamic Method | 动态定义方法 | define_method :my_method |
Dynamic Proxy | 将方法delegate到其他对象 | @target.send(name, *args, &block) |
Flat Scope | 用block来传值入object | obj.instance_eval { @attr = local_variable} |
Ghost Method | 用method_missing和respond_to | method_missing, respond_to |
Hook Method | 重写方法反应object model events | def self.inherited(subclass) |
Kernel Method | 类似全局函数了 | module Kernel;def a_method |
Lazy Instance Variable | 直到用的时候才初始化 | def attribute; @attribute II= ‘value’ |
Mimic Method | attribute=() 就是方法,但是用起来mimic | attr_reader, private |
Monkeypatch | runtime改变class的features | class String; def reverse |
Named Arguments | 函数参数的命名 | method(args_hash) |
Namespace | 避免命名冲突 | MyNamespace::Array |
Nil Guards | 用来实例化避免nil | @aII= [] |
Object Extension | 设定唯一方法放到object’s eigenclass中 | class << obj; include M ; end |
Open Class | rutime修改class | class String; def reverse |
Pattern Dispatch | 根据名字调用方法 | public_send |
Sandbox | 沙盒安全运行 | proc { $SAFE = 2}.call |
Scope Gate | 作用域 | class, module, def |
Self Yield | 把这个对象传给block | [‘a’,’b’].shift.tap {}.upcase |
Shared Score | 测试里面的初始化过程 | lambda{ shared=10}.call |
Singleton Method | 给唯一对象的方法 | class << obj; def method;end; end |
String of Code | 命令放到字符串里 | eval(‘1+1’) |
Symbol#to_proc | 直接传方法名,当block非常简单的时候 | |
tap 用来给block传自己的对象,debug 更容易
lambda,proc 不同,主要是参数不同以后的反应,还有return效果,一般都用lambda。
Class.ancesters 类的ancestors来看都有哪些modules和class
&block, 还是不一样的。