Clean code book
这本书写给真正相当good programmer,在乎code的人。很多大牛讲了心目中的clean code的标准,印象深的是really care。工匠精神,craftsmanship.clean code: readability, written well, short, straightforward, easy to maintain.
Meaningful Name
Principle: Reveal intend. why it exists, what it does and how it is used.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
Avoid Disinformation
Don’t include the type in name, avoid like hp
Distinguish Names
Avoid to use Info, Object, Data… , no a/the.
Like there are no much differences in followings:
Pronounceable Namegenymdhms
compare to generationTimestamp
Searchable Names
Avoid Encoding
No member prefix
As people will ignore them.
Avoid Mental Mapping
Noun Class Names, Verb Method Names
Pick One word per Concept, no pun
Use Solution Domain, Problem Domain Names
Small, blocks and indent should be 1 or 2
Functions should do one thing