ionic integrate the nodejs, cordova, ios-sim together.
I tried to install, build and emulate the app from tips on the ionic website. But it doesn’t work.
Integrate solar search sunspot with rails
Integrate nginx and socket io with rails
Ruby AJAX modal to show the form
- set the link tag to remote:true
- in the controller route to set up the connection, respond__to do |format| format.js end
- use html = ‘<%= escape_javascript render(“filename_withough_underscore”) %>’注意外面是单引号,里面双引号
Install the OpenERP version 8 ODOO
This is a very famous framework for the enterprise.
the default port for the web application is 8069
The default password: superadminpassword
Ruby Programmint Recommendation and Tips
help, ls command
- Duck typing
- Object Model
- metaprogramming
- tainting
- package gem
- document ruby code
Difference between Alibaba
Leetcode, practise algorithm in ruby
Enumerable, partition, method, partition the enumerable(like array) into two sets, one is true based on the block result.
inject(:+), get the sum of the enumerable.
Scrapy python web crawling and scrapying for linked
JQuery and AngularJS
- use $(function(){}); instead of $(document.ready(function({}));
- $(‘.div’).toggle() instead of show(), hide(), .sideToggle(), .fadeToggle(), .delay(). can use numbers for time in ms.
- .on(‘click’, function({})); bind the event to the element.
- DOM traverse method in jQuery, .parent(), .children(), .sibling(), .closet(), great method.
- AJAX is one of coolest things, use Mustache.js to template the html code for AJAX pending.