Ruby on Rails Development:
Cucumber Recipes Book
This book will be very useful for the future any project test process.
Cucumber Recipes is a great book for transferring the recipes of the test cross different platform and languages.
Web site front tech: 页面加载、解析、渲染
I will create the snippet for slim file, As slim is so cool!!
device/password/edit.html.slim is a good example of the slim file.
Cucumber Book Reading Notes
Rails Test with Rspec FactoryGirl Guard and Capybara
rspec 主要的测试gem
factorygirl 用来fake数据,用户
capybara 用户集成测试,整个体验
guard-rspec 检测rspec修改情况,测试test之前调用起来
gem install rb-fsevent 用来帮助guard检测文件
Regex and Shell Command
Rails Seed Project
The aim of this blog is to memorize the process of customizing the Seed Project for future development.
Rails Rvm and Gemset
This is about the summary of how to organise the rails code.
At some attempting with rails, I found using rvm to manage the rails gemset is really an important thing for multiple projects in different rails/ruby version.
Tech Blog Reading
Blog Source: Backbonejs vs ANGULARJS: Demysifying the myths
- Memory Management, Layout Management, Application Structure, Global Event Bus and Architectural decisions.