How to use google

How to use google?
Insight: The searching result ofen is coming form some specified websites: like stackoverflow for coding problems, stackexchange for engineering problems, vim for plugin information…

I try to write python importing the selenium to search keywords in specified websites. But I found some interesting things on Google Search.

So let’s redesign the problem:

  1. Originally, the problem is: Can we redesign the desplay way of the searching workflow and the search result view?

Talk with my workmate Yu Wang. I should reclaim the problem:

  1. How to improve the searching result in Google Search?

Sure, these two are quite different problems. For now, I think I should learn No.2 first. To figure out what the capability of Google Search is.

Other Search Engine:
Duckduckgo: Try it for searching some daily affairs.

So the capabilities of Google Search are:

  1. Tell you what’s wrong with the search expression(I use search expression to instead of the keywords, as the search expression is more powerful)
    Pros: ignore invalid character, help you to make keywords precision.

  2., only search in the domain area.
    Pros: Search specified site, you don’t need try to think out some tech words for the questions.

  3., search websites link to the domain name.
    Pros: Help you to find some Summarization Website or Blogs.

    Pros: Find some substitutes of the website used.
    FUN: I find netvibes to try

  5. OR check one of the two keywords
    Pros: Sometime, not sure which words is the best way to approach the problem

  6. “”, check URLS contains the term “”
    Pros: Find some interesting functionality provided by the host.

  7., see the google cache of the website
    Pros: Some times, only cache contains some useful information.

  8. -: minus, - excludes the results that include the word or site.
    Pros: useful for some words with multiple meanings