Integrate polymer with rails

Polymer is the Google new designed web component solution. It aims to solve the structure the confusing css and js files.

Polymer Website
Polymer Rails Github
Polymer Core Elements Github
Polymer Paper Github
Tips for how to use the polymer
Emcee tips for polymer
Polymer Core elements

Tag-bar-Toggle: ,tt in the nmap mode, The , is like the leader key.
shift-mouse-right-click: paste the code.
VIM nmap shortcuts: ]s jump to the next misspelling word, [s, jump to the last word.
zg add the word to the spelling check dictionary. zug undo add the word, “z=” view the spelling suggestions.
autocmd BufEnter /usr/share/vim/vim73/doc/ .txt set nospell
autocmd BufLeave /usr/share/vim/vim73/doc/
.txt set spell

In the Markdown file, is the symbol emphasis*