Rails development ridiculous problem sets

Rails development related problem track blog.

  1. Ridiculous Problem 1:
    Situation: I use paperclip gem to provide the file upload functionality, after I use it the view render problems.
    Solution: The problem is in the Model referral, it influence the controller process.
    Tips: Pay attention to the stack of the Rails report, the model-controller-view.

    1. Rails:3.2.19 当我把index方法删除,view,index.html.erb里面有bug的时候,
    2. 当model里面出现问题,exception标题指向controller,描述里堆栈指向了model里面。
      用better errors,gems更好的进行项目开发调试。
      better errors里面的Application Frames提供了应用框架的问题。All Frames里面提供了查看所有其他gem的机会。
      BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ‘’
  2. Pry Bug:
    pry tab bug
    $ pry to locate the pry.rb file path
    modify the pry.rb file require ‘strscan’