Polymer is the Google new designed web component solution. It aims to solve the structure the confusing css and js files.
Advanced Unix Programming: Shell
Shell tags: Bourne shell, Korn shell, C shell.
A useful language needs arrays, pointers and a generic mechanism for building data structure.
Lifenotes: March 24
Algorithm: The Shortest Path, 关于最短路径的算法
VIM Ultimate distribution
Use the spf13-vim to make the default configuration of the vim, quite helpful.
Store all my own vimrc settings in the .vimrc.local
How to use google
How to use google?
Insight: The searching result ofen is coming form some specified websites: like stackoverflow for coding problems, stackexchange for engineering problems, vim for plugin information…
Scrapy: python module to web crawling and scrapying
Use scrapy to crawl the amazon products’ comments:
Install the ipython first:
Tip1: use these two lines to implement the python autocomplete
VIM plugin bug adventure '%' sign
Today, I tried to use % to jump between (), use %xx to delte a pair of () in the markdown file. But I found the situation is :
- The first time of % , work. But the trials after that, doesn’t work.
- It’s only appearing the editing with the MARKDOWN file no matter where the location is.
Python manipulate Mouse and Keyboard crossplatform
Today, my workmate tried to use MFC win32 in C++ language to manipulate the mouse in windows. But, you know, the C++ language is a very old old friend to me. For me, it’s very hard to understand the C++ program in a short time. In contrast to C++,
Python is much more friendly and directly. So I have a question, how to use python to manipulate the mouse and keyboard?
Change title and schedule the learning
I changed the title to
- To memory the C syntax is so foundation, like the definition of the block, ; idicates the end of the line, () to include the expression, CAPITAL variable should be the constant value, use ^0 value to indicate the true.
- Improve everything, coding, writing skills, speech capability and daily life…